Friday, January 26, 2007

Life Goes On, Strangely

I made a huge bowl of rice krispie squares last night to use up more of the excess cereal we have. After I had finished mixing everything, I realized that all the pans were in the basement, and, yes, I AM that lazy, I did NOT go down to fetch one, instead we all sat around the bowl like it was a Mongolian Hotpot, and ate it with spoons. I haven't had a lot of sweets since Christmas, so eating it I fell into a swoon, it was so delicious. It made me think of that poem by William Carlos Williams, you know, sort of a, "forgive me, wretched Earth for enjoying it, but it was so sweet and so crunchy." I am very sad right now, so it was strange to be sitting on the floor like a nomad having fun. Truthfully, it made me feel a little guilty, and more than a little weepy. But life plunges on, I guess.

Yesterday afternoon was interesting. Baby Fangs and I sat in a daze on the couch and watched in stunned, disbelieving silence as High Intensity, stripped down to nothing but a pink boa, played Verdi's The Anvil Chorus 14 times in a row and ran in circles around the house like a crazed banshee over and over and over again. I was going to write that she played it 3,987, 657 times, because that's what it felt like, but instead I wrote the actual number of times because I want you to pause and reflect how actually awful that must have been for me. I blame myself entirely, one, for showing her how to use the stereo, and two, for buying her that Kids' Classical Opera CD. The idea was to bring some culture into her life, but all it apparently is doing is preparing her for a future career as a nerd stripper. Hmmm, that actually could prove to be very lucrative now that I think about it. Well, whatever happens, "cultured" will not be the end result, not if she continues to be raised by us. In Superstore later that day, I lost her for a while. When I found her, she was in the snack aisle, staring mournfully at the potato chips and softly singing Steve Miller Band lyrics. People were staring at her slack-jawed as she crooned out, "I'm a joker, I'm a smoker, I'm a midnight toker." Then they looked at me. It was all very embarrassing.


I really hate technology. I was so proud of myself for figuring out how to post Youtube videos, and then it all got messed up. Don't tell me if you came to my site while the two postings of The Anvil Chorus was on there, because I DON"T WANT TO KNOW. If you play it, make sure you do so at high volume to get the full effect. And do play it fourteen times in a row too. Really, it will be fun.

1 comment:

mmichele said...

my kids knew all the words to all kinds of weird songs... from uncle cracker (come with me and everything is all right) to dancing queen to the purple people eater.

and then came the day oma asked if they could sing "jesus loves me."

oops. missed that one.