Friday, April 20, 2007

Totally Over the Top

...this is so weird, you just might want to run away right doesn't even make any sense....

....(I'm terribly angry)....

It looks like my plan to boycott Stupidstore is going to have to be shelved for a while, at least with regards to our bacon supplies. A thirteen-year-old was found here in the West End with a fully loaded semi-automatic weapon which he apparently used to threaten at least one person with. Having such armed miscreants in our midst means there is no way we can go ahead with our plan to become independent pork producers. If we bought a pig and set it free for the summer, as was my plan, our little curly-tailed porcine buddy would for sure become fodder for target practice. Then I'd stumble upon the little delinquent eating MY spare ribs. Given what occurred on Sunday, I know I would NOT be able to control my temper, and I'd say, "Hey, gimme back my spare ribs, you little bastard!" Then I'd yank them away from him! Yeah, that's what I'd do. But the jerk would have already eaten everything else.

Of course, taking the spare ribs would send this little freak OVER THE EDGE. He'd have been saving the best part of the pig for last, and now it would be gone! He'd run home and make a crazy little "multi-media package" and send it off to some television station. Then he'd head over to our back yard and take out everything. Cows, chickens, even the ostrich we'd purchased for its "leaner than beef yet still rather tasty" flesh. Total destruction. He'd take out himself too, naturally. Big news. The television network would receive their little "care package" and OF COURSE they would run it on air! The big executives would practically piss themselves thinking of the through-the-roof ratings and their subsequent bonuses! Then it would get on the Internet, and every misguided youth in the country would watch it. Pig-shooter boy would become a cult celebrity! Fabulous! You really can't make this stuff up!

Meanwhile back at home, Mr. IQ would be despondent over the loss of the pig, sobbing disconsolately into his pillow at night and really getting on my nerves during the day, singing a sad, warbling rendition of "Mama's little baby loves crackling, crackling..." all the freaking time.

"Aughh, snap out of it already!!" I'd finally shriek. So he'd go off to get some counseling, from someone like, oh, I don't know, maybe... George W. Bush. He'd say, "I know I'm Canadian, George, but you seem to really understand this gun thing, so I've come down here for some comfort and advice."

"Well, IQ, " George would say, sneaking a look at the clock surreptitiously, "I wouldn't worry too much about it. Your little pig friend is in heaven now. No more pain!"

Mr. IQ would furrow his brow, and look confused. "But, uh, I'm not sure my pig was a practicing Christian, George..."

"And his killer is burning in the deepest pits of hell!! Surely you can take comfort from that!"

"Well, uh, I guess... but I've never really believed in he--..."

"Look IQ-tee-toot toot, your problem is you're concentrating on the past, when the future is what it's all about. You made mistakes. Now deal with them. Repopulate the garage. More pigs. More cows. More ostriches. And this time, no fooling around."


"Guard 'em boy! Guard 'em with your life!"

"Gggg..guard them?"

"With a gun boy! Here, I'll give you mine!" George would reach into the crotch area of his pants and pull out his heater. It would be warm, but not because he's recently fired it. (At least I hope not for your sake buddy!!) (Heh heh heh.)

"Uh, thanks George," Mr. IQ would say, holding it awkwardly.

"Listen," George would murmur, getting confidential, "I wanna ask you something, since it relates to what we've all been talking about here."

"Okay, shoot," Mr. IQ would say, fondling his new gun.

"I've got a new campaign slogan and I'm hoping they run with it in 2008. It's, uh, A Chicken in Every Pot, 'cause There's a Gun on Every Lot! Do you like it? It's snappy, don't you think?"

"Whippersnappy," Mr. IQ would mumble politely. George would blush with pleasure.

"I made it up myself," he'd say, somewhat shyly.

"It's great."

Encouraged, George would get brave. "I've got another one too!"

"Hit me baby, one more time!!" Mr. IQ would say encouragingly, twirling the gun and his Farrah Fawcett-like hair around and then pretending to shoot a bad man.

"Guns don't kill pigs, pigs kill pigs!! As in, scum-sucking criminal-type pigs, not police pigs, kill, you know, the tasty kind of pigs..."

"Not as catchy..."

George would look a little crushed. "Yah," he'd admit, "That one needs some working on." An awkward silence would follow. George would pretend to do something important, like shuffle papers.

"Well, I've got to get going" Mr. IQ would say, taking the hint and heading for the door, "Thanks a lot. I feel a lot better. It could have been a lot worse, I mean, after all, it was only a bunch of dumb animals we lost. It's not like it was 32 NICE INNOCENT UNSUSPECTING PEOPLE WHO WERE KILLED or anything like that."

George would stop shuffling his papers and look genuinely shocked. "Good god man," he'd say, "Of COURSE it wasn't PEOPLE! If it was PEOPLE we'd have to... BAN GUNS or something!!"

Both men would start laughing uproariously: Ha! Ha! Ha!

Everything just makes me so sick these days.


Heather Plett said...

Hmmm... the thought of IQ and Georgie getting chummy is downright scary! And the pig thing? Well, I'm just not sure WHAT to say. This ain't no Charlotte's web, baby.

Jill said...

The gun people were on TV announcing that the whole thing would never have happened if guns had been allowed on campus before all the bodies were even identified. I'm thinking that not having allowed that one crazy guy to buy a gun might have been a little more effective. Just a thought.

nitroglycol said...
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nitroglycol said...

Reminds me of an old Arrogant Worms song:

Wouldn't it be great if everybody had a gun? (had a gun)
Wouldn't it be great if everybody had a gun? (had a gun)
Nobody'd ever get shot, 'cause everybody'd have a gun! (makes sense!)
Wouldn't it be great if everybody had a gun?

Petra said...

If guns were banned... the only people that would have them would be the criminals. Because they'd find a way to get them illegally. And the law-abiding citizens would have no way to defend themselves. I don't know why that's such a difficult concept.

Petra said...

p.s. I found your blog via Suburban Turmoil - or maybe I clicked on a link and clicked on a link. Anyway, I ended up here, and even though we obviously have different political beliefs, I do really enjoy your writing. :)

slaghammer said...
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slaghammer said...

Preface: I’ve owned guns all my life.
Personal opinion: If everybody had guns, still, only a fraction of gun owners would have the nerve to confront a killer and actually pull the trigger with their eyes open and the barrel pointed in the right direction.
There are plenty of people around who have guns and are capable of going on the offensive in the face of danger, but pairing those people up with the random occurrence of a mass murderers rampage is mostly a pipe dream. News flash, shooters choose soft targets for a reason. When is the last time you heard of a killer’s rampage at a gun show, NRA rally, police station or army base?
I live in a state where most people have guns, many carry them, and a high ratio are actually good shots. You can hardly open a car door in my state without guns and/or ammunition falling out on the ground and we still have mass shootings with only a rare occurrence of an armed citizen successfully stopping the crime.
I support restrictions, not a ban on firearms, but I understand why some do. Between the opposing arguments, I generally consider the anti-gun position to be the more honest and humane. It doesn’t help that most of the people I’ve heard from personally talk a tough line but would crap their pants, drop their gun and run like hell if they where faced with having to kill a person in self-defense.
I have a few good reasons why I support the right to bear arms but the Virginia Tech tragedy is not one of them. Regarding Virginia Tech, a person who should not have been able to buy a gun (certified loony) did it anyway. If every single person on campus had a gun, there might not have been thirty-two killed, but you can bet your ass there would still be several families mourning the loss of their children. In this case, the anti-gun people have the high ground. It is my humble opinion that (we) gun owners should keep our pie holes shut or at least allow people to voice their heartfelt opinions without getting pissy about it.

Whippersnapper said...

Hey Slaghammer: Yeah, I kind of figured you guys might have guns, being from Texas and all. I recognize it's sort of part of the culture down there. Thanks for intelligently understanding the other side of the issue and not being pissy about it. Some days I sort of give up on the human race, but then I read comments like yours and realize the world is not completely lacking in smart, reflective people.