Tuesday, April 17, 2007


...oh bloody hell, it's that damn conscience of mine bugging me again...

It has occurred to me that sticking my bloodshot, rage-swollen head into the personal space of a little old lady and hurling inanities about parks and the human condition and grocery shopping on a beautiful spring day is not the best way to help speed up humanity's slow and uncertain journey towards that idyllic time in yon future when we as a world come together to embrace, call an end to all hostility and shake the collective kumbaya snuggle-boogie together.

And it's certainly not the sort of action that is going to help rid the world of these horrible, horrible school shootings.

Sigh. Yeah, she was rude and cranky and brusque, and, just between you and me, I truly think she was about as concerned for my baby's safety as she is about the fate of endangered Peruvian rain forest species. Really, truly, honestly, I think all she wanted to do was just boss me around.


Kurt Vonnegut wouldn't have gone over to an old lady and given her hell, even if said old lady was a big crank.


1. As Pamela pointed out, she's sure as hell not amassing a fortune working as a door greeter at Superstore.

2. It was her Sunday afternoon too, and the first nice day of year for her as well. And what was she doing? Working.

3. But why did she have to be so nasty?

I hope she's thinking about the whole incident too. I hope she's thinking about that crazy woman who ranted on about... (what the hell was she ranting on about anyway?...) and thinking:

1. Wow, it must be hard taking care of two small children all by yourself. (It is. And I've been doing approximately 99% of the childcare around here for at least a week because Mr. IQ has exams right now.)

2. That baby was awfully sweet. Was she really making everyone smile?

3. But... but why did she have to be so nasty?


By the way: Thanks for being tactfully silent on this point. I suspect you were all thinking of this yourselves, and decided to let me figure it out on my own. Blog people are swell.


Jill said...

I hereby absolve you of any guilt. She started it.

Linda said...

I'm with Jill. And perhaps, just perhaps, I'll smile at the superstore lady tomorrow.

Pamela said...

she was jealous, really -- of a happy mommy and baby getting to go out on a sunny day.

and she was stuck greeting from 2 to 10pm, only to go home to a cranky old man with no teeth, no job, and a hairy nose.

Not to mention she hadn't had a bathroom break for two hours and she forgot to wear her depends.


Pamela said...

enough about me ha ha ha ha ha ha.

(My hubby has hairy ears, but I trim it for him ..... snicker)

mmichele said...

i was silent because i was speechless... why are nasty people always picking on baby fangs?

i would have done exactly the same thing you did, esp if I was ovulating. just ask my family.