Sunday, November 26, 2006

Everyday is Funday Here at the House o' Whippersnap

... in which my parenting skills are put to the test (again) and I flunk flunk flunk... AGAIN!...

Pandora Music Selection of the Day: Doctor Hook Radio. (Shut up.)

We had a cranky day around here. That Guy was cranky because he's working too hard and hasn't had any proper veg time for over a month. Little Miss H.I. was cranky because it's kind of fundamental to her nature. Even the baby has turned on me, I don't know if it's because solid foods have entered her life or what but all day long she just sort of... nagged me. As for me, well, I'm NEVER cranky, (stop that laughing) but three whiny souls sharing the same space with you kind of drags you down after a while.

I guess it probably all started yesterday during our daily Stroll to Keep Mom Sane. I said old H.I. had gotten resigned to our walks, but she was just building up for the Big One. Our trip home from Superstore yesterday was about as miserable an experience as I've ever had. My attempts to silence her were pitiful at best, downright criminal at worst. She'd been bribed with promises of hot chocolate and cartoons for good behavior on the trek home. I thought I had her. But we only got maybe, MAYBE thirty seconds into our walk when it started.


I was frantic, because I know her. If she was howling already, we were in for a VERY long walk. That Guy had the car, and there was no way of reaching him. What was I going to do? Plus, I was absolutely DESPERATE for her to watch cartoons when we got home. If I was lucky, the baby would go to sleep, and I could get some Me Time..... but I'd already told her if she did ANY howling AT ALL she couldn't watch any. Stupid stupid stupid!


The thing is, you cannot talk to her when she gets this way. You can't say brightly "aw, well, that's a shame about your, er, ... spicy nose, there, honey," because anything you say just enrages her further. And I certainly can't help UNSPICE her nose or anything. I mean, what the heck is a spicy nose?


There we were, the four of us: me, baby, Crazy Girl with Spicy Nose, and the ONE KILOMETER TREK THAT LAY AHEAD OF US!!! There was nothing else for me to do. I started walking. It was agonizing. Three steps forward. Wait wait wait wait wait. Three more steps. Wait wait wait wait.

And it was cooooooooold out.

My parenting skills became downright ridiculous. Remember, I had to get her home and allow her to watch cartoons without losing face. I had said no cartoons, but she HAD to watch cartoons. She HAD to.

"OK, sweetie, we'll start fresh. If you can just stop screaming now, you can still watch cartoons..."

"OK, here's the plan love. You can only watch one cartoon now, but it will be a really good one!" (...and a really long one...)

"OK, well, the hot chocolate is DEFINITELY out now, but stop howling like a wolf and you can still see a cartoon. I've got a really good one, a new one you've NEVER SEEN BEFORE!" (I'm lying now... but surely I can find one she hasn't seen for a long time and has forgotten about?)

"OK, I've just about had it, if you don't stop screaming RIGHT NOW, so help me, you will NEVER WATCH CARTOONS EVER AGAIN IN YOUR LIFE!!!!! AND I MEAN IT!"

Total breakdown. "(***SOB***) Please... please... please just stop crying. Please. I'll do anything. Anything. Cartoons. Hot chocolate. We'll sell the house and go live in Disneyland. Daddy will sell one of his kidneys and buy you every single toy that has ever been made ever. Just.. please.. stop... crying."

Needless to say, we never made it home. Halfway there, we collapsed into the doorway of the local Malaysian restaurant, where I borrowed the phone and left a frantic message for That Guy. Old High Intensity immediately perked up when she realized we were in a restaurant, and since I had absolutely no idea if/when he would get my message, we ordered the cheapest thing on the menu, bacon and eggs. I didn't say much, but she had a grand time.

"Wow, bacon, I love bacon, can I have your bacon mom, yum, I'm going to use the ketchup as a dip, say, these eggs are scrambled, well, I like them sunny side up, but, OK, I'll eat them scrambled, how come you're not eating mom? Mom? Mom?"

My head was resting on the table when That Guy suddenly appeared in the doorway. He has never looked so handsome, and I told him that.

"You have never looked so handsome."

He packed them all up in the car for me, and we were home in two minutes. Old H.I. was banished to her room and I lay on the couch recuperating for a long, long time.

I really don't know how single parents do it.


ccap said...

Chuckle. Well, I know it probably doesn't make up for the walk o' horror but it certainly did make for good blog material.

(Old roomie's sister.)

Heather Plett said...

I'm just impressed you didn't find a reason to cave on the cartoons when you got home!

I remember once having to physically drag a kicking and screaming Nikki (who was also high intensity at that age) out of Winners at around that age because she completely LOST IT and I would no longer buy the thing I'd said she could have because of her horrible behaviour. One of the worst moments of my life.

Anonymous said...

my mom had a willow tree that she used to encourage enlightenment.

In todays politically correct environment she'd be in jail.... and I would have been in charge of the house at age 6.

Janet said...


Heather says you may be mad at her for passing out your blog information, but she's recommended we come see your blog. So I have.

I'm sorry to say that I don't know Heather in person, only through her writings. But I suspect that's pretty much the "real Heather", as she shares so beautifully.

Welcome to the community! I really enjoy what I've read so far, and I'll be back!



Anonymous said...

you let her nose get spicy??? How DARE you???

reminds of clothes shopping with B before I realized that he would rather lie on the floor screaming for the rest of his natural life than try on clothes in a store's changing room.

I lost count of the number of old ladies that stopped to ask me if he was okay. Yes, he's just opinionated, thanks.

Anonymous said...

My guy is a single parent and i dont know how he does it.

Your entry made me chuckle because the temper tantrum reminded me of my stepson. When he get s stroppy hes known to insult me with "your a piece of celery laurelin, im not your friend". Ahhh kids, gotta love em. L
